DRC e-news

IEEE CISOSE 2023 and SNVO 2023 Conferences

We are delighted to invite you in the two forthcoming conferences of SOSE 2023 and SNVO 2023.

Shortly, the 17th IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented System Engineering will be held at Harokopio University of Athens, on July 17-20. The aim of the conference is to share a variety of renowned papers by inviting original submissions regarding new methods, tools and applications in the system and software engineering  area. Our researchers Takis Varelas, Dimitrios Kaklis and Artemis Flori are invited to present their approved paper “Improving voyage efficiency in the shipping 4.0 decarbonization era”.

Later this year, the 2nd Ship Navigation and Voyage Optimization will be organized by BS Group at Athens, on November 01-02. The Summit is aimed to help the maritime community expand  its expertise and connections by bringing together operators, liners and technology provider companies. Its content will focus on CII Compliance and Voyage Optimization topics. Takis Varelas will give a presentation addressing the “Digitalizing the decarbonization route in shipping IR4