Who we are
The geometry of DRC logo text
We are members of a creative, spiritual dream team, either distinguished scientists coming from academia majored in information and comms science, naval architecture, mechanical, environmental engineering, operational research, financial, maritime management or professionals from shipping industry experts in waterborne transportation operations.
What we did
We created and maintain a knowledge, memories and deliverables repository including toolkits for long term crew planning, bunkering, energy efficiency, resilience performance, chartering and voyage planning optimization, Internet of things, Artificial Intelligence, deep learning, cybersecurity, augmented reality, robotics, retrofits, big data analytics, UAV, didactics, alternate fuels, crawlers and drones already utilized from thousands of users worldwide. We also maintain a rich library of our papers, articles, presentations, models, books and programs
What we dream
We envisage a maritime Entopia, an ecosystem where visionaries, dreamers, designers, technicians, scientists, innovators, intuitivists, developers and on an equal level, users harmoniously will define roadmaps to the future
What we do
Revolutionists of the fourth industrial generation, we embarked proactively on the digitalized ship and we design, implement and deploy novelties, innovative models, and systems to evolve optimally, dynamically and holistically the twisted pair and its covalent bonds of the maritime digital twin. We participate in a number of RIA (Research and Innovation Actions), FTI (Fast Track Innovation) EU Projects and JIP (Joint Industry Projects) with ME total funding proud to keep the first place among national large entities
How we do it
We extrapolate our memories in the future and generate creative novelties. In this direction, we transform them into proposals, cooperate with organizations, academia and institutes, respond to high competitive European calls, and turn successful ideas to project implementation and exploitation of results. We are focused on improving our Resilience Engineering Abilities. We Learn, Anticipate, Respond and Monitor as individual members of teams, organizations and networks to be Better
How well we do it
We have been awarded with the most prestigious awards for our innovative activities. In 2007, nominated for EU ICT (Information and communication) award. In 2010, awarded for innovation as the national representative of EBA (European Business Awards). In 2011 gained the applied research award in «Greece innovates» PanHellenic competition. In 2012, we won the highest worldwide distinction, the «Nobel» in Operation Research and management The Franz Edelman award among INTEL, HP and TNT from the Institute of Operation Research and Management Science(INFORMS).
What we will do
We will continue to prepare and implement research and innovation ideas for EU, JIP and the maritime industry, evolving maritime digital twin with a twist. Our research interests concern the 4IG revolution entities: IoT, AI, Deep learning, Robotics, Drones, Crawlers, UWV, Big data analytics, autonomy, and Digitalization vs Digitation. We will apply optimization models such as DEA-BP-LP-DP-MADM-LOGIT-Bellman and will continue to provide education materialized with MSc in maritime IoT and PhD in OR
What we are doing now
Leading in European Union Maritime research and innovation community we are participating in 29 projects with a total fund of 275 ME. We are working on the whole spectrum of maritime activities from energy efficiency to navigation safety and operational optimization. Hundreds of deliverables, software toolkits and optimization models have been published.
M.Eng Naval Architect from University of West Attica is participating as scientific coordinator in EU research and innovation projects focused on waste heat recovery with pumps or organic Rankine cycle (ORC) technology, optimization of propulsion systems, design of retrofit Gate Rudder System (GRS) and energy efficiency improvement.
Majored in information and communication science from National University of Athens, PhD scholar from ISF. Dr Kaklis joined Danaos in 2016 as R&D engineer and currently is working as Senior Researcher and development manager. Author of several papers and participant in several EU projects
Artemis has a 7 years of professional experience in the Maritime sector. A big part of her career is associated with the risk and market analysis in Shipping and Chartering at the Dry Freight Division, as well as with port economics, policies and strategies. Moreover, she is currently participating in various Maritime EU research Projects focusing mainly on applying innovative solutions in the maritime industry. Artemis holds a BSc in Political Science and Public Administration from National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and an MBA from Hellenic American University.
Specialist in project management and business development, Fotis has gained experience in leading and managing projects in a diverse range of industries including logistics, port, shipping and technology. He joined DANAOS as a senior consultant and research officer facilitating the planning and execution of research projects. He is participating in a number of EU research projects focused on applying innovative solutions in the maritime industry. He is an author of several scientific papers in the maritime and transportation field. Fotis holds an MSc in Economics & Business: “Port and Transport Economics” from Erasmus University of Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Majored in maritime science, operational research and journalism. Sofia is member of DRC management committee since 2004. She is winner of “Greece Innovates!” competition (2011) and Franz Edelman award (2012) and laureate of homonymous academy Participant in EU research programs. She is also co-author of several papers and the ORISMA book (2018).
Majored in chemistry, data metrics, operational research, information and management science. Takis was a Professor of AI and MIS in Technical University of Crete (85-96), Technical manager of Unisystems (76-85), CIO at Thenamaris (87-2004) and since 2004 is the Danaos Research Center Director. He is scientific coordinator or package leader in 40+ EU research projects, author of four books and 80+ papers, guest speaker in workshops and invited lecturer from universities globally.